Hi, I’m ashley.
I'm so glad you're here.
I am a wife, a homeschool mom of 6 and a wannabe homesteader. I love snuggles from my littles, mushroom coffee and my flock of exotic chickens.
I am naturally curious and seek to find the answers to mysteries in life. Which is exactly what led me to where I am today- My health journey and my path to becoming a functional nutrition counselor.
After the birth of my 5th child, my body could no longer keep going in its current depleted state and began its revolt. I fell deep into the pit of chronic illness and was diagnosed with many Autoimmune conditions including MS, Hashimotos, POTS, chronic Lyme and Fibromyalgia.
After getting diagnosed with all the things under the sun, I realized that Western medicine had little more than a pill to offer me. As I did a bit of soul searching, I realized no one was going to save me, but me!
So, I set to work to begin to discover the real reasons behind my chronic illnesses.
the more I researched, the more I began to uncover. After much hard work with many wonderful doctors, clinics, protocols and bio hacks; the fog lifted and I began to live my life again!
Along my journey, I gathered priceless knowledge and found a passion for root cause and holistic medicine.
I now enjoy helping others on their healing journeys and am honored to serve and guide them back to their most joyful and fulfilled lives.

My Approach
Phase 1: Foundational Health Rebalancing
We all have foundational areas of improvement. At your initial comprehensive exam, this is exactly where we begin. By building a firm foundation of wellness, we can continue through each additional appointment to build upon these layers to achieve a balanced and whole YOU! The foundations of all true health are sleep, elimination, digestion, stress, nutrition & movement. We address your specific foundational areas of weakness and work to improve these.
Phase 2: Drainage Pathways
Our bodies are designed with many different drainage pathways for toxins to leave our bodies. Some of these include bowels, kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, Lungs, womb and mitochondria. We identify your specific weak pathways and work to improve these. this gives our bodies more effective ways to eliminate all of the toxins that we are exposed to daily.
Phase 3: Nutritional Defficiencies
Through testing we can identify your unique nutritional imbalances and deficiencies and bring in supplements to help support those weaknesses.
Phase 4: Detoxing
Once our bodies drainage pathways are supported and nutritional deficiencies are addressed, it’s time to detox the pathogens in the body.